关于Tier 4学生签证
Tier 4级别学生签证的材料准备仍然如之前一样,没有变化,具体如下:
1、a current passport or other valid travel documentation 有效护照 |
2、proof that you can support yourself and pay for your course - this will vary depending on your circumstances 能够支付在英学习和生活的担保金 |
3、proof of parental or other legal guardian consent if you’re under 18 父母或监护人的同意信(18岁以下需提供) |
4、proof of your relationship with your parent or guardian if you’re under 18 与父母或监护人的关系证明(18岁以下需提供) |
5、your tuberculosis test results if you’re from a country where you have to take the test 肺结核证明 |
6、You may also need to provide additional documents depending on your circumstances. 其他资料 |
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